Walter nació a las 19 semanas de gestación y sobrevivió unos minutos

Las fotografías de Walter Joshua recorren el mundo. Walter fue un bebe que nació en la semana 19 de gestación, sobrevivió algunos minutos, en donde fue mimado por sus seres queridos.

“¡He recibido mails de Argentina, Chile, Alemania, España, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Irlanda, Escocia, Inglaterra, Zimbabwe, México, Canadá, Estados Unidos y algunos otros que no recuerdo en este momento!”, escribió Lexi Oliver Fretz, desde su cuenta de Facebook.


Esto escribió la madre en su cuenta personal de Facebook.


My precious, perfect son born at 19 1/2 weeks.

It saddens me that in the eyes of the law Walter is nothing. He was never born, never died. Because he was 4 days shy of 20 weeks he was just a fetus. In most states he could have been aborted. I saw his little heart beating. He did not move much because of the medicines they gave to me, but he was very much alive. I had felt him for the last 5 weeks kicking and punching from the inside. I wanted to scream at the er dr who kept telling me my fetus is fine. That wasn’t a fetus, it was my CHILD, my BABY! This was the precious gift that we had been praying for and trying for for over 2 years. There is much comfort in the fact that I know he with his Savior. He never had to know the sins and pains of this world. He is with his heavenly parent who loves him even more then I do. We are still going to grieve a lot, but I can not imagine going through this process without the Lord on my side, without knowing where my precious boy is spending eternity. I pray that in sharing these photos someone somewhere is touched, and may realize that just because you can’t see the child within you, does not mean they are a blob of cells and nothing. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him. He was perfectly formed and needed a little more time to gain weight and mature his organs. My body is what failed. He is perfect and someday I will get to see him again. For now I rest in the comfort that he is with the Lord and I’m sure his great Grandfather Walter was there to greet him at Heaven’s gates.

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